February 22, 2023
This document defines the professional collaboration granted by the Secretariat of State for Tourism and the Tourism Office of the Republic of San Marino to the company Mondo Immagine S.r.l. for the activity of Destination Management Company (DMC) in increasing inbound tourist flows to the Republic for 12 months.
Mondo Immagine will be responsible for promoting incoming tourist packages to Italian and foreign travel agencies and organizing specific events in certain sectors such as sports and culture. On the other hand, San Marino Welcome will be the brand used to formalize collaboration with Sammarinese tourist facilities and to manage incoming requests from DMC and foreign tour operators. AC&D Solutions will provide support for online promotion activities, web portal management, mobile app development, and other engagement tools.
The document lists the services that Mondo Immagine undertakes to provide, including the development of new services and strategic tourist packages identified by the Strategic Tourism Plan of San Marino 2019-2023, promotional activities for tourist products, participation in trade fairs and sector workshops, collaboration with the Sammarinese Diplomatic and Consular Corps to promote San Marino as a tourist destination and contribute to the development of the MICE product. The company will be required to prepare and submit comprehensive reports to the Tourism Office following each trade fair event. The professional must also organize educational activities aimed at Italian and foreign tour operators, Sammarinese tourism operators, and entities operating in the tourism sector of neighboring areas. Finally, they must define an online editorial and promotional plan, supporting the development of mobile applications and social media marketing strategies. The objective of these activities is to increase incoming flows to San Marino, enhance the visibility of the tourist destination, and improve knowledge of its products and services, as well as fostering collaboration among local tourism operators.